AMOUR No Spamming & Ripping , please :D Other than that , Tag before leaving Lastly , Stay And Enjoy , PEEPOS ! -[nurelainabintesuhairi]-
-That right guy
-A brand new HANDPHONE -Geeky glasses -To pass my exams with flying colours -To act in an ALL-TIME movie -To move to U.S.A -To leave BTS and graduate! -To never be afraid to go into a HAUNTED HOUSE -Transfer to Changkat Changi or Bedok View -Get curls for hair -A trip to Melbourne -Meet Jesse McCartney -That tube dress -THAT RING -To dye my hair with a lighter colour -To live happily ever after -Freedom TAGGY TH PAST
July 2008
August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2010 CLAPCLAP |
Saturday, January 31, 2009
I found this somewhere in my lappy ! HAHAAH ! Cute or whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat ! OHMYGAWSH ! HAHA ! Now just chatting with NAZIE bby . And messaging this someone . Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeh(: You know I know they dont knoww ! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA ! Okehhokehh ! LAter I blogg luhh . Idk what to saay right noww . Heeeeeh(: AHHAAH ! Now is later ! I just chatted with PEIMIN . She editted some of my peeekchas ! Here they are ! Hehe(: PEEEEEEKCHA TIME :- BEWARE ! These peekchas of me is veh UGLY ! AHHA ! HEHE ! AHHAHAHAHAHAHHA ! All done here ! Bubbye and much loves ELAINA - Hellohhhhhhh ! AHHAHAHA ! Im high right noww . HAFIZ bingit ! AHHA ! SO WHAAAAAAAAAAAT ! Anywayy , made a new friend . And her name is .. NAZIRAH BINTE SAMSUDIN :D Her nick name is NAZIE ! She is awefully CUTE oi ! And YES , she's NAZZ's sister(: I think we get along quite well . But we have to know each other better to get th overall results ! CHEYDEBAAAAH ! Apa niehh ? Exam perh ! AHAHAH ! Okaay dah ! Elaina da melampau HIGH ! AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA ! Anywayy , she is like so very th fun to talk to ! Im beginning to like her ! HAHAH ! There is like a million ways to describe her ! She is also sweet okaay ! Kalau korang nak carik pasal dengan dia korang have to get through me first okaay ! YAY ! Now im her KAKAK ANGKAT ! Aiseyhmann ! Elaina kembang uhh ! HAHAHAHAHA ! I feel very honoured tauu ! If you wanna mess with you better think twice ! You all boleh jilat lantai dulu sebelum nak carik pasal ! Andand oh adik kuu yang terlove . Heeeh ! Secret mesti share tauu ! Jangan tak share ! Hehe(: Okehhokehh ! I'll stop here . She cannot tahan to read this ! AHAHAHHA ! Sabar dik sabaaar ! Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeh(: There you go hunneyhh ! Iloveyoutothmax taauu ! Bubbye and much love . ELAINA- Labels: Nazie sayaaaaaang Pabila kau tiada di sisiku Hatiku pun mula terasa sayu Wajahmu selalu terbayang-bayang Difikiranku wahai sayang Tetapi ini semuanya memori Yang akan ku simpan di dalam hati Pabilaku keseorangan nanti Yangkan ku teringat sejarak kembali Mengapa kau meningalkan ku Apakah kesalahan ku Yang ku buat kepadamu Sehingga begini akhirnya Sayangku kemana kau menghilangkan diri Sungguh payah untukku mencarimu Kembalilah kepadaku seperti waktu dahulu Kemana kau menghilang kan diri Sungguh payah untukku mencarimu Kembalilah kepadaku seperti waktu dahulu Pabila kau tiada di sisiku Hatiku pun mula terasa sayu Wajahmu selalu terbayang-bayang Difikiranku wahai sayang Tetapi ini semuanya memori Yang akan ku simpan di dalam hati Pabilaku keseorangan nanti Yangkan ku teringat sejarak kembali Mengapa kau meningalkan ku Apakah kesalahan ku Yang ku buat kepadamu Sehingga begini akhirnya Sayangku kemana kau menghilangkan diri Sungguh payah untukku mencarimu Kembalilah kepadaku seperti waktu dahulu Kemana kau menghilang kan diri Sungguh payah untukku mencarimu Kembalilah kepadaku seperti waktu dahulu Tetapi ini semuanya memori Yang akan ku simpan di dalam hati Pabilaku keseorangan nanti Yangkan ku teringat sejarak kembali Labels: sayangku hilangg Friday, January 30, 2009
Hellohellohhh ! Peoplehhpepoplehh ! Heeehh(: Here I am AGAIN bloggingg . Hehe ! Ohoh ! I SO wanna blogg about smthgg funny and awesome ! Yesterday , I was like just hanging around school uh . With my best peeps ! AHHA ! Like OHMYGAWSH ! I know YOU dont want me to post this , but .. Its funny uhh seyhh ! Can uh can uh ? YEAH ! Okehhokehh ! So here it goes .. *hesitatingg* Alaaah , kecian uh keciann uhh . Nehmoind luhh . I wont say anythingg . Heeeeh(: Be thankful youu ! HAHA ! Anywayy , yesterday was like cool uh . Was late for school . Reach school at , 7.32 . I think . Then kene record seyhh . Like WTH kann . So damn itatingg uhh . Then they stop us at 7.20 . Mana tak lambaat . Stop it sia this school ! So then so then , went to class . My knee was still hurtingg . Went up th stairs like old granny siaa . Must hold th railing and stuff . HAHAHAHA ! Then went pass my class . Everybody stared at me . Im outside feeling paiseyhh ! AHHAHAHAHAHAHAH ! Then lessons and blahblahblahh . School ended went to bubbletea shop with , HAFIZ , NAZZ , MUIZ , QURATUL , SHAHIDAH , AQMAL . So went back to school , outside school to be exact . NAZZ went in for floorball . QUARATUL , AQMAL and SHAHIDAH went to lepak somewhere else . So was left with HAFIZ , ME and MUIZ . MUIZ listened to his songs in his HP . While me and HAFIZ bongkar each other's bag . You uh ! Read people's secrets onlyy ! WTH youu ! Cannot tauu . Wrong BIGBIG you knoww ! AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHA ! Nehmoindd . So anyways . We were like slapping each other's faces uh . WAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAU ! Smack until face red seyhh . His face cannot see much . Because he .. HEHEHE ! So anywayy , we insulted each other and stuff . Then he pinched my cheek . RED seyhhhh ! You uhhh ! Thenthen , he pinch me I booosh him ! AHAHHAHAHAHAHA ! OHMYGAWSH , then he pulled my hair . WALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAU ! Danger siaaa ! So then tied my hair . My hair like not strong tauu . Gugur . So then this strand of hair , landed on his specs ! Then he made this OH-SO-FUNNY face ! I was like laughingg like hell ! Now thinking about it makes me laughh ! He went , " Eheh , side burn panjang seyhh ! " *tiying my hair and laughing my ass off !* AHAHAHHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHA ! Funny to th maximus oi ! Then th hair flew off . AHAHHAHAHA ! Funny luhh seyhh ! You should have seen his face it was like *ugly face*. AHAHHAHAHAHAH ! I cannot tahan seyyhhh ! HAHAH ! Okehhokehh ! Elaina chill ! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! Then there's another accident so FUNNY oii ! But he dont let me tell . Nehmoinnd . One dayy I will tell . HAHAHHAHA ! Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh(: Anywayanyway , thats yesterdaaay ! Todaay was quite funn too ! Heeeeeeeeeh(: Was late AGAIN ! Due to my injured leg ! DAMNN ! Was sleeping over at my nenekx house . So yeaahh ! Then todaay had bowlingg . For CDP . Tak gereeek langsungg ! Th final position or whatever like ballet siaaa ! AHAHHAHAHA ! Thenthenn , went home ALONE . Keciann kann ? Tu luhh ! Th rest either go back bedokk or main bola . EYSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHH ! So here I am bloggingg ! Heeeeh(: Whatever luhh ! So yeah so yeahh ! I wanna take peekcha luhh seyhh ! Tatawu nak fix phone perh ! ALAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK ! AHAHAH ! Okehhokehh ! I shall stop here now kaay ! Bubbye peopleehh . Much love . ELAINA - Labels: 3 more days Wednesday, January 28, 2009
I don't know what it is that you've done to me But it's caused me to act in such a crazy way Whatever it is that you do when you do what you're doing It's a feeling that I want to stay 'Cuz my heart starts beating triple time With thoughts of lovin' you on my mind I can't figure out just what to do When the cause and cure is you, you I get so weak in the knees I can hardly speak, I lose all control Then somethin' takes over me In a daze, your love's so amazing It's not a phase I want you to stay with me, by my side I swallow my pride Your love is so sweet, it knocks me right off of my feet Can't explain why your lovin' makes me weak Time after time after time I've tried to fight it But your love is strong, it keeps on holdin' on Resistance is down when you're around, pride's fading In my condition I don't want to be alone 'Cuz my heart starts beating triple time With thoughts of lovin' you on my mind I can't figure out just what to do When the cause and cure is you, you I've tried hard to fight it No way can I deny it Your love's so sweet It knocks me off my feet I get so weak Blood starts racing through my veins I get so weak Boy it's somethin' I can't explain I get so weak Somethin' 'bout the way you do the things you're doin' Knocks me right off of my feet Can't explain why your lovin' makes me weak Just smthg I wanna post . Heeeeh ! ;D Labels: A songg Ladeedumdeedum ! Hellohhhellohh mamacitas & papacitas ! Heeeeeeeeh (: Here blogging agaaain ! OH-MY-GAWSH ! Guess what happened todaay ? I injured my KNEE ! And it hurtslikehelltothpowerofinfinityandbeyond SEYHH ! Hahaha ! And ihateyou who made me fall ! It bleed and you know what he did ! He just stood there looking at me laughing ! WTH kaaan ! Apadaaah ! But I'll forgive you sooner or later . Bestfriend peh pasaaal perh kaan ! EYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSH ! You SO owe me okaaay ! Now im here blogging and chatting awaay . While I bear with th OH-SO-HURTING-LIKE-HELL painn . Heeeeh ! Im like so over larhh ! Haiyoo elainaelaina .. Apa nak jadi ! AHAHHAHA ! Whatever larhh ! Im tired ! OHOH! Im finally quiting NETBALL ! Thankyouvehmuch MR RAIHAN ! But th bad news is , I HAVE to join MALAY DANCE ! Like whatthhellwereyouthinkingggggggg ! I cant possibly join THAT ! Nasrul REALLY wanna see me on stage for SPEECH DAY . DAYYUUUUMMMMNNN ! So paiseyhh perhh seyhh ! Aiseyhhmaan ! You better look through your fingers ! Heeeeeeeeeh (: Ermerm , idk what else to saaay . So I guess I'll just stop here eyhh ! 4 more days to go baybehh ! Heeeeeeh (: To those who knoww . You know I know you know And they dont know what is what is what rightt ! Heeeeh ! Apa jek ELAINA niehh tauu ! AHAHAHAH ! Okehhokehh ! I shall stop here now kaaay ! Till next time thenn ! Bubbye ! And much love ! ELAINA - Labels: 4 more days Monday, January 26, 2009
Hellohhhellohh dear blogg readers ! Teeeheees :D Had LOADS of funn todaay ! And guess what ! I saw an eclipse seyhh ! Was DAMN beautiful uh seyhh ! Thankyouvehmuch HAZIQ for telling me . If not I wouldnt knoww ! :D Andand todaay , went out seyhh ! Was AWESOME larhh ! Went out empty stomach . So then ate at LONG JOHN . Not really my kinda place to eat but still . Atleast I had smthg to eaat ! HEEEEHH ! Ermerm , went out late just noww . Coz woke up late . Actually I was woken up by this HAFIZ uhhh ! At 8 somemore ! WTH youuuuuu ! Then I forced myself to wake up . By th vibration of my handphone for th incoming msgs . But turn out I sleept back . When I woke up it was alr 1130 . Looked at my phone it says . " Incoming messages full . Delete some messages ? " I was like WTH ! No wonder I fell asleep again ! Damn stupid HANDPHONE ! Th phone temporary onlyy . Until my mum buy new one . And I take hers ! Heeeehh (: Just noww , was seriously awesomee larh seyhhh ! AHHAHA ! We walkwalk . Jokejoke . Teasetease . Tickletickle . ALL laaaaaaaarhh ! Heeeehh (: Serious seyhhh ! Th cooolest day of my life - so far ! AHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA ! Thenthen went home at about 5 take th bus . All of us sat there like EMO people . HAHAHA ! But then started to talktalk uhh . Teasetease . SEME uhhh ! I was DAMN cold larh ! Then wanna type on my phone also susah ! My hand like no energy like thaat . HEEEH (: So Hafiz helped me type . Told him th keypad was quite hard . Then he say nehmoindd . " Nak try nak try . " AHHAHA ! Try larh kaaau ! Heeeehh (: Then when he started to type .. HAHAHHA ! " Kimaaakk ! Susahnyee ! " I wasnt using dictionary tho . So was like EYSH gitu ! Mintaaak kene booosh uh th phonee kann ! HAHAAH ! " Pakaai larh dictionary ! Apadaah ! " My problemm laarhh ! Youu uhh ! AHHAHA ! Thenthenn dad called , say come back home now larh . This larh that larhh . In th end I reach homee at 6 EXACTLY ! WOOOOHOOOO ! Break record seyhhh ! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH ! Lain kali kita keluar together-gether eyhh ! Tomorrow ANGY datang my house okaaay ! Wait , maybe you can follow me go beach . You nak pergi beach sangat kaaan ! Go withh IQBAL seme kaay ! Th people I went out with just noww . Do come alongg kaay ! It would be a BLAST ! Like just noww ! I cannot describe how FUN it was tauu ! Soso , DO COME ALONGG ! Those who wanna come gimme a call ! Or just text me kaay ! Andand if you wanna come , bring these : - Extra shirt . - Extra pants / jeans / shorts etc . - Extra undies ! Heehh (: - Extra bra ! If you're a girl . HEEEH (: - Towel . - Soap . - YOURSELF ! Heeeeeh :D I being uncencoredd seyhhhh ! WOOOHOOOO ! Im high ! YAY ! :D Soso , come eyhh ! Ramairamai kecohh BEST ! GEREEEEEEEK ! Okehhokehh ! I gotta get readdy to go out againn . Going JB ! Heeeeeeeeeeeh :D Want anythingg ? HAHAH ! By th time you tell me I come back alr ! Too baaaaaaaaaad ! HAHAHAHAHA ! I'll just buy bubblegum and lollipops for my AWESOME peeps kaaay ! HAZIQ ! You still owe me lollipop ! I dont caaaaare ! AHAHAH ! So I think thats about it . Later I come back I tell you moree kaaay ! Heeeeeeeeeh :D Now is later (: Just came back from JB . PEH PENAAAAAAAAAAT ! Heeeeh (: Watched a movie - INKHEART . WOAHHH ! Cool oi ! I like th unicorn ! Th tanduk cool uhh . Have th words on th bodyy seme ! HEEEHH (: Andand , th flying monkeyy ! Th FARID character is quite cute seyhh ! Th ' dragon breath ' . Heeehh (: Cute larhh oii ! HAHA ! Thenthenn before th movie went to buy earrings ! Searched for earstick but WTH ! Dont have seyhh ! So just bought TWO earrings . One is for th normal piercing and th other one is for my HELIX piercing . Mum found out about th piercing just todaay ! I thought she kneww ! HAHAA ! " EYH ! When you go PUNCH ?! " " Long time ago ! Punchh ? AHHAHA ! " " WHENN ?! " " LONG TIME AGO ! You said cann mahh . So I go uhh . " " When uh you PUNCH ?! " " Mum , its like a MONTH or so ago ! And its not PUNCH ! Its PIERCE ! AHHA ! " She so cute larhh ! And sloww abit . Like mother like daughter whaaat ! Heeeeeehh (: So thenn after th movie went home . On th wayy home listened to MISTERI JAM 12 ! OOOOOOOHHHHHH .. I dont like this Radio DJ . She so like tak seram ! I like th guyy better . So at about 1 I thought its like not scary I listened to my PSP . Heeeehhh (: So reached home , showered , changed and VOALAAAAH ! Here I am bloggingg . HEHE ! Aper jek elaina niehh tauu . OHOH ! Youuu ! Tatawu malu , YOUU ! AHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH ! Smack uh smack ! I boooooshh youu ! :D So I guess this IS about all of it noww . HEEEEEEHH (: Will try to blogg againn sometime soon kaay ! Bubbye peopleehh ! Much lovee :D ELAINA- PS . We are NOT okaaay ! Andand 1 FEB eyhh ! :DDD I cannot believe we actually talked about that seyhh ! But whatever ! Secreet ! SSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ! HEEEEEEH :D Labels: LOVEHHS Sunday, January 25, 2009
Hellohh purty young blogg readers of mine ! CHEYDEBAAH ! Elaina bebual takleh angs seyhh ! Heeeeeeeeeeh :D This part is partly for TYSHAA ! She wants me to update so much ! Here you go BABE ;D Had family picnic todaay ! YEOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW ! Was like th awesome-est oi ! Gereeeek to th power of infinity and beyond ! Heeeeeeh ! AHAHHA ! Took that " power of infinity and beyond " from HAZIQ . Cute kaaan ! AHHA ! And you owe me lollipop ! Okehhokehh , back to th picnic . AHHAHA ! Ermerm , played in th water and stuff . DUHH ! Beach seyhh ! ECP ! I think I got darker ! DAAAAAAAAAYUUUMN ! I hate that ! But hopefully not as dark as *AHEM* . You know who you are ! HAHAHAHAHA! Lemme give you a clue " H**** " You knoww right ! AHHAAHAHAH ! Sorrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaye ! Mainmain jekk ! Heeeehh ! So anyways , didn't play in th water THAT long . SO , didn't think I got too dark . We sat on th break water . OHOH ! Mrs WONG said that one break water is like $ 1 , 000 , 000 SEYHHH ! And so my cousins rub our ASSES on th million dollar break water ! AHHAHAHA ! And we camwhored like HELL larh ! I took like 300 OVER peekchas seyhh ! But I wont upload ALL uhh . You crazzzy ?! HAHAHA ! Was daaaaaamn funnn ! I wanna go agaaain ! Thenthen like about 4 or smthg , Hafiz called . Asking where am I and stuff . They were cycling . And they were at ECP . I told them I was there and they were like " jom uh jom uh . " AHHAA ! Hafiz went " Ekk ! Malu seyhh ! " AHHAHAHAHA ! Apadaaaaaah ! Stakat lalu jek larhh youu ! So then FATIN and myself went to rent a bike . And otw we met them uhh . Hafiz ! Pakai biru seterang-terangnye seyhh ! HAHAH ! Cooolio larhh ~ Thenthenn , went into th bike rental thingyy . Realised that we didnt bring IC . So was like " DAMN ! Walk all th way here and no bike ! " If th distance near nehmoind uhh . But THIS ! KEWAAAAAAAAAAAAAK ! Jauh nak mams ! Heeeh ! So walk back uhh . Wait , before that FATIN wanted to buy ice-cream . So went 7-eleven . While I waited outside with Hafiz and gang . I envied them for having a bike . Macam nak tompang jek ! But comeon eyhh ! Da larh tu seat kedepan ! Paiseyh semacam seyhh kalau terkedepan ! Heeeeh ! So next time uhh okehhokehh ! Walked ALL th way back and rest for awhile on th break water ! Camwhored larh syehh ! But it drizzled a little . Passing clouds . Itating tauu . Went into th tent and stuff . I almost slept seyhh . Da shiokshiok rest . Beh ada msg masuk ! Apadaaaaaah ! ALL your fault larh youu ! Heeeeehhh ! (: Then around 7 gitu went home . In th car felt VEH th tired ! Slept for awhile . Then shiokshiok tidur msg masuk ! Selalu gini tauu ! Msg from FaiStar . Blahblahblah ! Then reach home . HOME SWEET HOME ! :D Took out PSP went into th toilet and BATHED ! Fresh sikit badan ! Wangi sikit seyhh ! AHAHHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA ! After showered , played th comp . Sent th peekchas into th lappy and editted a few . Kalau nak edit seme peh MALAS ! AHAHAHAHA ! So yeaaaah ! Here are th peekchas ! PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKCHA TIME :- ALRIGHTYYY ! I think thats about it . There are MORE but comeon . You dont expect me to upload rightt ! You CRAAAAAAAAAAZY ! HAAHAHA ! So yeaaahp ! Bubbye for now . Much love eyh ! ELAINA - Saturday, January 24, 2009
This post is for NAYLI ! Here is your post . Idk what to say ! AHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHA ! Ohoh ! Had a hell of a time in school this weeek . Th CNY concert was like a waste of time larh ! So short . Might as well dont do a concert . Make our leg numb only . But was fun there uh . We were like passing msg for th whole class . Saying like " TOH TEK KOON / LEE KIUNG / SANDERAN " And stuff . How ever you spell it . AHHAHAHAHAHA ! Was funnn ! Th WHOLE class ! Thenthenn , went for CIP . Was split into groups of 3 . In my group there was KIM , LILING and me ! We were like LES seyhh . At th end . We had to patah balik to school . We held hands and cut through people . HAHAHA ! Sorraaye Hafiz :D AHHAHAHA ! IKAAAAAAAAAAAAAN ! Hehe ! Okay elaina stop ! I BOOOOOSH YOU than you knoww ! AHAHHAAH ! Okehhokehh ! Ermerm , like I said . Wont be on that much like last year . Hehee :D I will try tho okaay people ! So I guess I'll stop here now peopleee ! Bubbye and much love ! ELAINA - Labels: NAYLI Sunday, January 4, 2009
HEY blogg readers! I dyed my hair black already! DAMNNNN is it SERIOUSLY BLACK OR WHAT seyhh! Like SERIOUSLY! Those who go to school with me. You will be SHOCKED! It wont be th same. AHAH! It will be VEH different. Me in this colour! AHHAHAHAHAH! Okehhokehh! Im done here! Bubbye peoplehh! xoxo, ELAINA-MISS. B Hey peopleehh! HOMYGAWSH am I boreeddd! Peopleehh, msg me lah! You uhh! And you, why are you not replying? Did I do smthg wrong? Huhh? Are you mad at me? Or its just youu? I am thinking of you In my sleepless solitude tonight If it's wrong to love you Then my heart just won't let me be right 'Cause I've drowned in you And I won't pull through Without you by my side I'd give my all to have Just one more night with you I'd risk my life to feel Your body next to mine 'Cause I can't go on Living in the memory of our song I'd give my all for your love tonight Baby can you feel me Imagining I'm looking in your eyes I can see you clearly Vividly emblazoned in my mind And yet you're so far Like a distant star I'm wishing on tonight Give my all for your love Tonight xoxo, ELAINA-MISS. B Friday, January 2, 2009
Hey beautiful creatures! HAHA! HOMYGAWSH! That sounded insulting siolzxzxz! AHAHAH! So anyways, I have not blogg for like Idk. How many days now? AHAH! So I shall tell you more. But only th fun ones! AHAHAH! Tues: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BELLA HUNNEHH ♥ Me and NAYLI met BELLA at Tamp mall. Got my ear piercing. HOMYGAWSH! Was my ear red or what seyhh! AHAHHA! Was like NUMB seyhh! Alamakk! Seriously luhh seyhh. Pedeh giler luhhhh! AHAHHAH! Then after that went back home to my house. Sleeeeepover! Was funnn! AHAH! Webcammed with SYAZWAN. Funny giler seyhh! Webcammed with ANGY too(: Wed: LAST DAY OF 2008 ♥ Planned to meet SYAZWAN at 1215. At tampines mall. AHHAH! But guess what. NAYLI and I woke up at 1255! AHAHAHAH! Keciann sia SYAZWAN. Then extend th time to 3. So its so say he waited for like 4 hours siaaa! AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Keciaannn! So met. Sat bawah blok. Then chitchat. then went off to Cik Achu's house. Had to BABYSIT her children. 3 pulak tuhh! Haiyooo pening dongg! AHAHHAH! Oldest is a girl. Primary 1 this year. Second is a BOY like still kinder I think. AHHA! Last is a BOY. Still a baby! HEHE(: So cute luhh! Really. Especially th second. HAZIQ ♥ Then went to see th fireworks on th highway. AHAHA! Wasted sia. I never go countdown at downtown. EHHH! RHYME! AHAHHAHA! Then slept at Nayli's house. AHHA! THUR: 010109♥ DATE I will never forget! AHHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Around in th evening, we were boredd. So prank call peoplehh uh. AHHA! AISEYHMANN! Kelakar habis DONGGG! Then I got a call. From dunno who. AHAH! They went " Boleh cakap dengan SITI. " I was like. Ni mesti nak kenekan balikk seyhh! So I played along. " Ni siapa? " " Taufiq. " " Taufiq mana? " And so on and so forth. I didnt give in. So they were like. Ni SYAKUR luhh. I was like WTH! AHHAHAHAHAHAHA! Then chitchat and stuff. Was COOL and AWESOME. FRI: BACK TO SCHOOOL ♥ YAY! I went to school with a smile on my face. Can twait to see my friends and stuff right. I met FATHIN first. Went to school together. Then find our class and sat at th parade ground. My hair is dyed right. But seriously. I cant be seen. Well, not really uhh. Thenthen after flagraising and stuff. Had this groom check. I was like sHIT. I thought because its th first day they give chance luhh. But I was wrong. I got a tap on th shoulder. "Please proceed Infront of th HOD room. " "Erm, why? " "Because you have dyed hair. " "WHAT! No I dont. "(Lie uhhhh) "I can see it clearly. " "Its my natural hair colour. You like it? "(And again. LIED.) "Yeah right. Just go please *walks off to another girl with dyed hair*" "SHEEEEEEEEEEEESHHH! " AHAHH! FATHIN behind me was like. "EYY! Siak uhh. Makk! Kau jangan balik uh sia. " "Aku punn tak nak siaa! Harapharap uh. Mepek seyhh! " "JANGAN BALIK TAUUU! " "I will try! " Seriously seyhh! Imissmyfriends!!!!!!! So I went infront of th HOD room. There was this half basketball court uh. So sat there with th others. Suddenly I remembered my ear piercing. I took it out straight. And guess what. It bleedd! Like WTH seyhhhhh! Then th teachers came. Looked at my hair. MR SIM, thankyouverymuch. He was so good luhh. He said mine okay. So must dye back uh. He just gave me warning. Thats all. So I could go back to class. But wait. Mr Hamdi and some other teacher stopped me. LIKE WHAT.TH.HELL siaaaaaaaaaaaa! Then after they checkcheck. See here see there. Then had to go to th GENERAL office. LIKE HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! Then th dunno-what-her-name-is teahcer gave me a form. I mean all of us uh. Th 8 of us. Th " can see clearly dyed hair " group. WTH! Seriously sia1 Irritating uh! STUPID SCHOOL! I wanna transfer out seyhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! So whatever she ask us to right down our parents name. Oh, and contact number. So they could call them. So then I was like. NAHHH! She took th form and called my dad. After she called my phone vibrated. I was sure it was my dad. But I cant pick up. There are teachers everywhere! Then one teacher came. MDM SU. She questioned me. I was MAD ANGRY sia that time. "So what happened? " "They pull me put for my dyed hair uh. " "Stand up. " *stoood up* "Even your shoes are wrong. " It was this WHITE shoe but with just a little blue in it. "Whats so wrong about them? They are still white what. " "What did you say? " "I said, its still WHITE!. *HOMYGAWSH!*" "Whatever. About your hair. You know what to do right. " "Yeah lah. " "Better dye it black again. " *what if I dont want!* ALAMAK! "Yeahyeah. " Then she moves on th my friend NABILAH. Then th dunno-what-her-name-is teacher came out. She said okay. You two can go back. I was like. WTH! I dont want sia! VERY SHITTY sia! So went out with NABILAH. I checked my phone. Had 2 miss calls and a msg. Th calls are from DADDAYE! Th mag was from him too. Th msg said "Pick up my call. I wont scold you dont worry. " AHAHAH! I know He wont scold me. Coz he knows! AHAHAHAH! So I called back. Told him There are teahcers everywhere. And he told me this. "Okay. You go back our house okay. " "Okay. " "No. Wait. You go back nenek house say you have stomachache. " "AHAH! I'd rather go home. Then when school end I go nenek house. " "Ah, oh. Okehhokehh! " AHHAHAHA! COOOOOOOOOOOOL right! So had breakfast with NABILAH. People were staring. As we were wearing out uniform kann. I told NABBY, "Let them stare. Its not we cabot what. Teacher yang halau seyhh. We wanna go to school lagi ada! " HAIYOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Troublesome sia th school. I mean its th first day tauu! And my first time. Just give chance uh sia! STUPID sia. They dont take pity on us seyhh. We wanna meet our friends seyhh! So whatever uhh. Went back home with NABBY. She came over. Comp-ed. Until 12 gitu uh. Nayli msg saying that she wants to meet. So yeaaaaaaaaaaahp! Met at Eastpoint. Ate lunch at LONGJOHN. YUMMY(: Syakur and HAFIQ was there. We chitchat. AHAH! Funny luhh Syakur. GAYGUY :D AWESOME seyhh! So chitchat until about 3 plus. Then went off. Wanna meet them again seyhh! They are so FUN! Being GAY and stuff! AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAAHAH! Then went back to NENEK house. Sleeeeeeeep! Was woken up by HAFIQ's msg. DAMN YOU! After that I couldnt sleep taau. Exactly after his msg DADDAYE call. I was like "uh, ye, okay, yah, er, um, uh. " AHHAHA! Thats how wake-up people sound like!!!! AHHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! So yeaaahp! Thats about it. I guess! No peeekchas! Some with AmirahElmo. And some with Nayli. She has to upload them. So I cant possssst eyy! HEHE(: So I until thenn okaay! Bubbye peopleeehh xoxo, ELAINA-MISS. B |